Monitor the RAW to DNG conversion process and see when everything is done However, this is only optional: you can place the raw2dng app anywhere you like and simply drop RAW files on top of its icon. Note that you must go through the same workflow to rearrange the toolbar items or to remove the raw2dng droplet. To customize the Finder's toolbar, activate the appropriate panel from the View menu, and merely drag the raw2dng icon on top of one of the available free spaces. The raw2dng utility acts as a droplet, and can be easily added to the Finder’s toolbar so you can quickly drag and drop files to be converted regardless of the storage folder. Load Magic Lantern RAW files to be processed with drag and drop
Raw2dng is a minimalist macOS utility that can help you convert RAW files produced by Canon EOS 5D Mark II cameras with the Magic Lantern firmware extension to the DNG or ProResHQ file formats.